Seaweed can be a little scary to add to your pantry. They’re mostly seen as the slimy, slippery annoyance from your beach days – not something you’re dying to sink your teeth into! I…
The art scene in Bogotá has been growing exponentially over the last decade. Just driving into the city from the airport has become a visual appetizer of sorts with some of the city’s biggest…
I didn’t go to Bogotá with food on my mind. Culinary pursuits way south would hail Mexico and Peru first as the real food destinations. And yet, besides absorbing the vibrant art scene and…
Six months into the pandemic… With all our routines and habits upturned, it’s now more important than ever to find ways to treat ourselves on a daily basis and find the positive in as…
Few villages embody the ideal of ‘small-town America’ as well as Cooperstown in central New York. Founded in 1786 by William Cooper, father of novelist James Fenimore Cooper, who wrote “The Last of the…