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  • Appetizer Recipes Vegetarian

    Ramp Soup

    Celebrated as a sign of spring’s arrival, ramps are usually the first fresh greens of the year and have started popping out these past few weeks at local farmer’s markets. They won’t be available…

    May 7, 2012
  • Appetizer Recipes Vegetarian

    Fennel and Orange Salad

    A winter salad of fennel and oranges is the perfect pick-me-up during those last few remaining cold days before spring finally settles in. Take advantage of the abundance of bright citrus available to put…

    March 30, 2012
  • Appetizer Recipes Vegetarian


    Arancini means ‘little oranges’ in Italian, though these guys aren’t quite as healthy as a piece of citrus! A national Sicilian emblem, these utterly addicting fried rice balls can be filled with everything from…

    August 27, 2011