Dessert Recipes

Molten Lava Cake

February 16, 2017

Can you think of a more popular dessert than the molten lava cake? If you celebrated Valentine’s Day this week, there’s a strong chance you had one, and if not you probably order it 9 times out of 10 when it’s on the restaurant’s dessert menu. Let’s face it, as much as I like to try new things culinary-wise, there are classics that are just too good to pass on (and mess up with!).

It’s the holy grail of chocolate cake with its brownie-like crust and warm, gooey chocolate center that erupts at the slightest pressure of your spoon… Nothing comes close to its amazingness and you know what? It’s ridiculously easy to do at home!! All you need are 5 basic ingredients and less than 30 minutes and you’ll be in chocolate heaven.

Warm Chocolate Cake

Melt some butter and chocolate of your choice together (I’m a bittersweet fan) and mix it with beaten eggs, sugar and flour. You’re almost done. Pour the mixture into very well buttered and floured ramekins and bake for about 6-7 minutes.

Warm Chocolate Cake

And…that’s pretty much it! The center will still be giggly and that’s what you want.

Molten Lava Cake

Invert the ramekins onto a plate, dust with a little cocoa powder if you want, and get ready to dig in.

Molten Lava Cake

Molten Lava Cake

Perfection. It’s almost ridiculous how easy that was!

Molten Lava Cake

Warm and rich, each spoonful will literally melt right on your tongue and drive you to the edge of madness. 

Molten Lava Cake

After eating a few, I can concur they’re every bit as phenomenal as their reputation, and more. With an intensity devoid of the usual heaviness, they truly are the perfect ending to just about any meal and should without a doubt be part of your foolproof arsenal, for you and all the chocolate lovers in your life. You’re welcome! 🙂

Molten Lava Cake

[yumprint-recipe id=’19’] 


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