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Mac and Cheese – A Classic, Deeply Satisfying Recipe

December 28, 2016

The ultimate comfort food for many, macaroni and cheese is made to be enjoyed during these cold and dark evenings, preferably with a group of close friends to share the goodness (and calories!) with. While we’ve all fallen at a young age for the suspiciously orange though incredibly delicious boxed kind, we’ve thankfully graduated to the serious stuff with gusto since.

There are so many ways to enjoy it, so many cheeses and toppings, sauces and star ingredients which frankly all taste pretty amazing that picking one recipe is a challenge. I’ll make your life easy and share the classic, no-fuss mac & cheese recipe I still prefer over all those fancy preparations. Deeply satisfying, all the cheesy goodness you’d want, with no truffle oil or weird stuff thrown in. Just buy good ingredients and go at it the traditional way!

Mac and Cheese

You start by making a classic Mornay sauce which is essentially a Béchamel with shredded cheese added to it.

Mac and Cheese

Add the cooked (al dente!) pasta to the post and mix well – it’ll already look heavenly right there.

Mac and Cheese

Pour the content into a buttered baking dish and top with the remaining cheese (Gruyere and sharp cheddar) and some breadcrumbs for texture.

Mac and Cheese

Bake for 20-25 minutes and…voila! A golden, bubbly vision made with love.

Mac and Cheese

You’ve got the essence of what a truly decadent mac and cheese should be: nothing more than tender, elbow-shaped pasta suspended in melted cheese of the highest quality, hiding under a golden-brown crust of cheese.

Mac and Cheese

It’s easy, sinfully luscious, and I can assure you none of your friends will leave without asking you for the recipe…

Mac and Cheese


[yumprint-recipe id=’21’]

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  • Karly December 29, 2016 at 10:24 pm

    Nothing but the good stuff- no additions, subtraction or shortcuts. And, of course, super crazy cheesy. This is exactly how I like my comfort food!

    • Sandra December 30, 2016 at 11:33 am

      I’m with you on that! 🙂